Should you have a “problem” before talking with a coach?

Should you have a “problem” before talking with a coach?

Nope! Not at all! In fact, one of the delightful quotes I keep jotting down during my Co-Active training says: ‘We are not coaching for problems to be solved; we are coaching for lives to be lived.’

Yes, there should be a theme we use as the focus point during our coaching, and that theme must have significance to you. And at times, it is a theme you (currently) experience as a problem. That’s fine, we'll work on it! But often the theme is not so much a ‘problem’ as it is an unrealized desire. A desire to live more intensely, to experience more sparkling energy and to be able to realise more of your dreams.

My coaching focuses on what is happening right here, right now, and we look forward from this point. The past certainly pops up every now and then during our coaching because it is part of your story - but it is not our focus.

So, whether you are feeling a soft or strong desire, have a question or experience a problem: you are super welcome!

What does a coach do?

What does a coach do?