what is your view on team coaching?
That it’s a great way to enable people to create greater beneficial value for their stakeholders together, in a way that is sustainable and enjoyable. It’s not about making people feel good; it’s about enabling people to create the athmosphere they need to speak up, listen up and deliver to their team purpose.
what is your view on strategy?
Strategy is about making clear choices, and evaluating your decisions in light of these choices. That means you must understand what’s going on (mapping), what you have in terms of capacity and people, what your options are and how those options impact your purpose as an organisation and your people.
Can you work with difficult people?
I may be a difficult person myself, who’s to say? Now, I have worked very well with persons whom others dubbed ‘difficult’. All I can say is, often I can, sometimes I can’t, but it may also involve more people than just this one ‘difficult person’…
how long are your typical projects?
It depends - typically, they range from a few weeks to six months. The intensity varies, too, as I don’t need to be staffed full-time on every phase. There is a lot of flexibility in establishing the time plan, in service of what you’re trying to achieve.
How long does a coaching process last?
We decide that together at the start. Usually we meet at least six times, ideally ten sessions, for one hour each. But because of the insights you gain, each session works for much longer than that hour. And that’s the point!
do you work as a change manager?
Such a tricky question - because isn’t every good manager a change manager, by default? A lot of the work I do is often described as change management, so technically, I may answer ‘Yes’. But it won’t be enough to install me in an office, then send every difficult question my way - we need to team up in this. So perhaps I work more as a change management enabler, how does that sound?
is coaching nonsense?
I have been wondering this, myself. So far, I have experienced and delivered transformational coaching sessions - and those are the ones you should be looking for. But in essence, coaching is innately human.