I’m not here to tell you what to do or pretend to have all the answers. You and your organization have a vast knowledge and experience - I am here to help you unleash it and let it flow.

In the strategic analysis and diagnosis phase, i will be there to help you reach the right stakeholders and take points of view uncommon to your organization. We will involve people who have different views and reach a much broader understanding of the territory. You will see deeper and brighter what’s going on around you. And you will be able to clearly articulate the most relevant driving questions emerging for your organization.

In the strategic planning and decision phase, I will work with your internal experts and generalists, to create the options and future visions possible for your organization. As a group of people becomes a team, you will discover new ways of working and new ways to talk about ideas, objections, concerns and plans. Your people will be ready with clear decisions and guidance from your leadership team, and with trustful relationships and realistic plans to get started.

Once they start implementing, my role ends. I will check in regularly to perform a temperature check, or to help the team work on specific issues, … But my role is to make sure your people can move on without external support.